Grinah Stones - Peak District Walk
Friday 30th June 2006
A walk in one of my favourite areas, Bleaklow, to celebrate my birthday. Access to the start of the walk by car is restricted at weekends so the route was planned to take advantage of the fact it was a Friday. Walking on this side of Bleaklow is relatively easy because the peat bogs aren't as extensive as they are on other parts of the moor and the restricted access can also make it very quiet, today we only saw one other person. The high cloud and breeze made for ideal walking conditions although the distant views of Derwent Edge, Howden Edge and Kinder Scout were very hazy.
Start: Ditch Clough Plantation (SK 155 927)
Route: Ditch Clough Plantation - Round Hill - Barrow Stones - Grinah Stones - Bleaklow Stones - West End Moor (TP) - Alport Castles - Ditch Clough Plantation
Distance: 10 miles Ascent: 495 metres Time Taken: 5 hrs 45 mins
Weather: Hot with high cloud and a welcome breeze.
Pub Visited: The Yorkshire Bridge Inn near Bamford Ale Drunk: Fullers London Pride

Howden Reservoir at the start of the walk.

The walk starts by following the Westend river through Fagney Plantation.

Ridge Upper Moor from the Fagney Plantation.

Looking back down the valley, the path we took is visible on the left.

An un-named and un-marked tarn, at the top of the climb out of the valley.

(L-R) Barrow Stones and Round Hill from the un-named tarn.

Barrow Stones with Howden Edge behind.

Grinah Grain, from the path between Barrow Stones and Grinah Stones. Win Hill is the round summit
in the background, with the Kinder Plateau to its right.

Grinah Stones from our lunch spot overlooking Ridgewalk Moor.

Looking back at Grinah Stones from the path to Bleaklow Stones.

Bleaklow Stones, where we met the only other person we saw all day..........

........he is sat just out of shot enjoying his lunch with a view of Black Hill and the Holme Moss Mast.

The Ridge (the one in the front), both its name and the route we were to follow across the moor.

The trig point, on Westend Moor, which you aim for when crossing the moor from The Ridge.

Looking across Alport Dale to Fairbrook Naze, on the Kinder Plateau, from the trig point.

The steep sided Alport Dale from Alport Castles.

The Tower.

Alport Castles, one of the largest landslips in the country.

Howden Reservoir comes back into view, with Howden Edge behind it.

The final part of the walk took us back into the shade of Ditch Clough Plantation.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023